Saturday, September 26, 2015

We needed to move our house further into the grass, only about 20 feet. So we hooked it up to our trusty Volvo, and backed it slowly up:
We may end up moving it again soon---a spot might open up, closer to an outside electrical outlet.
For now, I'm getting the flashing closed up. There is flashing on the underside of the joists. This thin galvanized steel is to keep water and bugs out of our insulation in the floor. But, there were some gaps in it, where they trimmed it away to attach the stabilizing jacks. Looking down and outward, you can see grass through the 1/2in crack:

So, I've cut sheets of flashing to slip around the jack mount--to make the hole smaller. The 2 inches closest to my body are only temporarily folded under. Once in place, I will bend them back so there is a hole only where the jack is.

Here I am sliding it in around the jack, under the jack mount:

Looking up from at the underside: here are the tabs that I bent back into place. At the top of the picture is the outside frame of the trailer. The jack is at the bottom.

I will close up all the gaps with "Through The Roof" roof cement. I'll seal the edges of the flashing to the trailer frame too. But, since that will make the flashing hold water, I'll do it just before I insulate and deck, so it doesn't become a bathtub in the next rain.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Trailer Has Arrived

Our Tiny House journey has officially started: our trailer has arrived!

Like so many, it all seems to start when you get a trailer. We have already collected the insulation, windows, and even the flooring. And we have many ideas for the layout, but haven't even figured out which end the bathroom should be on.
Here is another picture of the trailer:
This is a 28 foot tiny house foundation from Trailer Made Custom Trailers.