We had a floor plan, but then I ran the numbers on the weight and balance--how much tongue weight our trailer would have. And they came up bad---almost no tongue weight. I found some errors in my calculations, but it wasn't enough: we moved almost everything we could, to the front. Still, barely any tongue weight.
We finally found our error--I was gathering the numbers to make a "free body diagram"---you draw a picture, and put all the forces on the picture, like so many fingers poking at a box, and they all have to balance. But, in gathering numbers, I found I had used the wrong distance for all the big things ---walls, ceiling, roof, floor. I had used the distance on my coffee-table-sized scale layout, instead of the actual full-sized numbers. Here is a picture of me replacing the bad numbers with the new numbers:
After I updated the numbers, we had more than enough tongue weight--but now we are using real numbers, so I can try and fix it by moving things around.
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