Friday, February 12, 2016

Zips Tape and flashing

I taped around the straps coming through the roof. Here is a set of videos that explain it:

Some friends came over, and we very quickly put tape on all the wall seams:
Thanks, Canadians!

Here is a night shot with most of the windows cut out:

Lately, I've been doing a lot of research. Windows, siding, trim...
I need a flexible tape for the window sills. I got some "Tite Seal" flexible tape from the big green box store. It is an asphalt-based flexible tape. When I opened it, it didn't seem very sticky. Now, maybe it would stick if I had rolled it hard against it, but just pressing it against some wood, it stuck about as well as a post-it note. I want this to really work well, so I got some DuPont FlexWrap NF. Professionals on youtube use it. Like this guy: (long)
Or this promo video: DuPont Product Placement video

I'm planning on using rubber sheet roofing. I want a curb around the edge to keep the dirt of the green roof on top. At the bottom edge, I plan to have a perforated pipe, that drains through gaps in the curb, every 8 feet. Here is a cross section of some curb designs. I think I'll use the one shown in the left side of the picture, with a pipe like in the right-hand side:

The rubber will go up over the curb, and then drape down on the other side, where it will go over some flashing (drip edge).

1 comment:

  1. From "the Canadians": You're welcome! We are enjoying learning about each step of the construction process.
